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Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Constrcuts are used for specific purpose ,like if you want to include statemtnts like ,the number is greater or number is b greater or you can say ,if you want to check this i good or that is good or this is bad and that is good like statements .

Constructs are of two main types :
Conditional Constructs
Loop Constructs

Conditional Constructs are used when you specify conditions in you C Program .
They are :


Syntax for if...else :-

statement to be executed;
statement to be executed;

Syntax for switch...case :-

case 1:
statement to be executed;
case 2:
statement to be executed;
statement to be executed;

*break statement is used to terminate the case statement and move the compiler to the outer area of the construct or to the given statement.
*default is used for an additional case to be executed ,in case of any unexpected condition occurs .

Loop Constructs are used if you want to repeat/ Iterate the program or a specified condition for several times .
They are :-

     while loop
     do..while loop
     for loop

 Syntax for while loop :-

statement to be executed;

Syntax for do...while loop :-

statement to be executed;

Difference between while loop & do...while loop :

while loop & do..while loop are almost same ,but the only major difference is that do..while loop checks the condition after the execution of body .

 Syntax for for loop :-

for(Initializing; condition; Increment /Decrements )
statement to be executed;

the first stage in for loop is initializing the variable ,then condition to be checked ,the what will happen if the specify given condition is true ,increment or Decrements .

Some Operators for Constructs :

Arithmetic Operators 
(+ ,- ,* ,/ ,%)

+ is used for addition
- is used for difference
* is used for multiplication
/ is used for division
% is used to find out remainder

Logical Operators
(&&, ||, !)

&& is AND Operator ,used to find out the whole condition is true or false
|| is OR Operator ,used to find out any condition is true or false
! is NOT Operator ,used to find out or you can say define Negative Result

Unary Operators
(++, --)

++ used to increment the value of any variable or an operand by 1
-- used to decrements the value of any variable or an operand by 1
    also applied on single operands .

Comparison Operators
(>, <, >= ,<= ,==, !=)

> is greater than
< is less than
>= is greater than equal to
<= is less than equal to
== equal equal to
!= not equal to

and many more ...

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